Thursday, May 26, 2011

Movies @ the Library

Remember, early release days are movie days at the library!

May 27, 2011
2 p.m. 

A super villain's (Will Ferrell) dreams have come true when he conquers the city's protector Metro Man (Brad Pitt) gaining control of Metro City. But when a new villain (Jonah Hill) is created and chaos runs rampant, the world's biggest "mind" and his comic sidekick Minion (David Cross) might actually save the day. With an all-star cast - including Tina Fey - and amazing animation, this movie is packed with high-flying action and non-stop laughs.

Rated PG
Running time: 95 minutes

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Summer Programs

Summer is a great time to be at the library!  We have many wonderful events planned from a drum circle kick-off to puppet shows, story times, science experiment shows and more! You won't want to miss a thing. 

Stop by the library and pick up a copy of the newsletter today!
Registration for summer library events begins June 6.